What are fossil fuels and what effects do they have?What are fossil fuels and what effects do they have? Fossil fuels are energy sources formed from the decomposition, in the absence of oxygen, of living matter, subjected to sedimentation, pressure and heat over millions of years. Coal, oil and natural gas are the three most widely used energy sources on the planet, and the best known fossil fuels. Let’s...Discover more
Air pollution: Greenhouse gas causes and trendsAir pollution: Greenhouse gas causes and trends What are the causes of atmospheric pollution? What are the main greenhouse gases? Has there been a reduction over the years in our country? If so, to what extent? In this article, we will address the trend in greenhouse gas emissions in Italy, looking at what has been done so far, and what...Discover more
What are the most dangerous pollutants from industries?What are the most dangerous pollutants from industries ? In this article, we will explore some of the most dangerous pollutants in the atmosphere, and to what extent the industrial sector contributes to their emission. Contrary to what is commonly thought, considerable progress has been made in the last thirty years in reducing emissions in this sector, while for example...Discover more
Domestic heating: why does it pollute?Domestic heating: why does it pollute? In the previous article, we talked about the pollution of cities, and identified 4 primary sources, being traffic, domestic heating, industry, and agriculture. In this post, we would like to focus on heating with some tips for better managing its emissions. What are the emissions associated with domestic heating? As we saw in the...Discover more
Pollution in cities: the most polluting causes and sectorsPollution in cities: the most polluting causes and sectors Having discussed the concept of carbon footprint, let us move on to consider the composition of pollutants in cities, analysing those that are present in the air we breathe every day, and the sources of their emission. Smog, why it is a problem and what it is composed of Historical data...Discover more
Carbon footprint: what is it?Carbon footprint: what is it? With this article, we would like to inaugurate a series of posts dedicated to air pollution from civil and industrial emissions. A better relationship with the planet starts with us, with our awareness. This is why we decided to start with the concept of carbon footprint, to underline how everyone is responsible for the environment...Discover more
The main sources of pollution: what their impact isThe main sources of pollution: what their impact is When it comes to pollution and fine dust, our thoughts immediately go to vehicle emissions. But are they really the only source or, at least, the main source of particulate matter emissions? What are the main sources of pollution? The main sources of pollution responsible for the formation of PM10 and...Discover more